What Probiotic Is Best For You?

Finding the right probiotic makes a big difference. Not all probiotics are created equal and quality really matters when it comes to sourcing. So which probiotic is the best for you?

Each type of probiotic has its own set of benefits based on different research studies. I’ll give a brief run down for each:

Lacto and Bifido Species have been shown to be effective for:

-Microbiome balance

-Reducing anxiety


-Reducing inflammation

-Vaginal infections

-GI discomfort

-Skin disorders


S. Boulardii is actually a beneficial yeast, not a bacteria, and has been shown to be effective for:

-IBS and IBD



-Parasite clearance

-Skin disorders


Soil-based probiotics actually can colonize your gut with specific strains of bacteria found from the earth, while the other 2 types of probiotics are transitory and affect their benefits while passing through. These form spores that are encased in a hard shell that resist stomach acid and digestive juices that tend to kill other types of probiotics. This way they can reach your large intestine, multiply, and do their thing. Soil based probiotics have been shown to be effective for:

-Abdominal discomfort



-Protect from antibiotic use


-Improving microbial diversity


As you can see, probiotics are powerful and can make a big difference in your gut health, immune health, and therefore overall health, including hormone balance!

Some practitioners recommend one probiotic from each category, while others rotate probiotics. Diversity is key! The more diverse your microbiome, the better. 

And as I mentioned before, quality is important so be sure to choose probiotic brands that list the strains in the formula and their potency, are free of major allergens, and are tested by an independent third party lab.

When in doubt, work with a qualified nutritionist to help you find a probiotic that is best for you! To book a free consultation and explore your path to reach your health goals, click here.


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